It is now May 3rd, 2018. I have just received my boxed ORIC Atmos 8-bit home computer. This machine arrived from Spain, and it was originally manufactured in the UK. The box is in a little bit worse condition that I expected, it is admittedly pretty rough, but it is there.
This is the ORIC machine that is capable of running the legendary ORIC Manic Miner port. ORIC-1 cannot do that for some reason. According to Tekniikan Maailma 10/1984 ORIC Atmos review, those two computers have different memory maps. That might well be the reason for Manic Miner game incompatibility.
In any case, here are some photos. Note that the serial number 221725 matches. It is exactly the same on the box and at the bottom of the computer.
I assume that this is a joystick adapter:
As a nice bonus, the seller also included a tape that he did not mention in his eBay ad. It is called Green Cross Toad. This game is a Frogger clone. Those were very common back in the 1980s. All 8-bit systems had plenty of them.
UPDATE May 16th, 2018: Here is an ad in Tekniikan Maailma magazine 8/1984:
I have translated this ad into English like this:
BLOW UP THE BOUNDARIES OF YOUR IMAGINATION! Oric Atmos is celebration of computing!
Its astounding capacity (64kB) poses no limits for your imagination, but allows you to finish your plans. No compromises. Even the price is no longer a hindrance for getting a good microcomputer. If you want to do other things besides gaming, remember Oric - one of the most sold computers in Europe. There exists a special magazine for Oric users called Oric Owner. It is published six times a year, full of newest computing news. Oric Atmos comes with Telset-support. Real typewriter-style keyboard. Graphics, sound, color. 64 k RAM. 16 k ROM. 3" microdrive as an accessory. Lots of programs, including accounting for small businesses, word processing, Oric-Calc spreadsheet, Oric-Base database and high school mathematics tutorial programs. And the Atmos games are among the best! Get to know Oric right away!
Importer: COMTRON OY, Santaholmankuja 5, 02160 ESPOO, phone 90-422133
Resellers: well-equipped microcomputer stores
And here is Welcome To Oric Atmos 48K tape I just got from Spain yesterday (May 15th, 2018):
UPDATE July 22nd, 2018: I have bought Oric Microdisc floppy drive. It is extremely rare! If I remember right, it cost about 260€. The seller advertised this floppy drive as non-working, so I believe it is not functional. Perhaps somebody could fix it, but I got it just for the cool looks!